Center for Neurophilosophy and Ethics of Neurosciences

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P.M.S. Hacker: "The Neural Antecedents of Voluntary Action"

27.04.2015 at 18:00  – 29.04.2015 at 20:00 

Monday 18ct – 20

MCN Lecture by Peter Hacker: Philosophy and Scientism: What cognitive neuroscience can, and what it cannot, explain

Room: LMU Biocenter


Tuesday 16ct – 18

Workshop on Parashkev Nachev & Peter Hacker's paper "The neural antecedents to voluntary action: A conceptual analysis" with Peter Hacker.

Room: M 210 (Ethikzentrum) LMU Main Building

GSN PhD students may earn 1 ECTS point for preparation and presentation of a comment on the above mentioned paper. For further information contact Prof. Stephan Sellmaier.


Wednesday 18ct – 20

Lecture by Peter Hacker: Dialogue: Can different people have the same pain?

Room: M 210 (Ethikzentrum) LMU Main Building