Center for Neurophilosophy and Ethics of Neurosciences

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Seminars and lectures winter term 2013/14


Animal cognition
Prof. Dr. Stephan Sellmaier

Winter 2013/14 - Tuesday, 14:15-15:45
LMU main building, M210

In diesem interdisziplinär angelegten Seminar werden wir uns der Frage ob und inwieweit Tiere denken und urteilen können aus der Perspektive verschiedener Disziplinen annähern. Die Bereitschaft auch fachfremde Texte zu lesen wird also vorausgesetzt.


Personal identity: the lockean paradigm
Prof. Dr. Stephan Sellmaier

Winter 2013/14 - Thursday, 14:15-15:45
LMU main building, M210

The modern debate on personal identity has been hugely influenced by John Locke, whose discussion of the topic in his Essay concerning Human Understanding both originated and shaped the whole modern debate. In the seminar, we propose to do three things: We will start by discussing Locke's own text, before looking at the "classical" criticisms of Locke's position raised by Butler, Reid and Leibniz in the 18th century. Finally, we shall consider some influential papers by both contemporary Lockeans and their critics, which will show that the original debate has preserved its actuality up to the present. The seminar will be of interest not only to philosophers, but also to people working in other disciplines concerned with human identity and the mind, e.g. psychology or cognitive science.


Research ethics
Dr. Michael von Grundherr

Winter 2013/14 - Thursday, 16:15-17:45
Amalienstr. 73a, 018

This course covers current topics in research ethics with a focus on neuroscience. We will discuss both applied case studies and abstract ethical theory. Topics include: ethical standards in the design and implementation of research including human or animal experimentation, bioethical problems in the clinical application of neuroscientific research, the role and responsibility of science in society, ethics of research communication and responsibilities of private and public funding bodies.


What determines moral behavior? Moral competence and situational factors
PD Dr. Mechthild Schäfer, Prof. Dr. Stephan Sellmaier, Dr. Michael von Grundherr
September 2013, VIU Venice


Problems of free Will
Prof. Dr. Stephan Sellmaier, Dr. Erasmus Mayr (Oxford)
September 2013, VIU Venice